Edward M. Reeder
Major General Edward M. Reeder, Jr.
US Army (Retired)
Major General (Ret) Edward Reeder retired from the US Army on January 1, 2016, after nearly 35 years of service. General Reeder spent the last 30 years in uniform as a Special Forces Officer commanding at every level in the US Army Special Forces with eight combat tours of duty and operational experience in 35 different countries.
General Reeder commanded 15,000 men and women of the US Army Special Forces Command (USASFC) responsible for manning, training, equipping, and deploying the elite US Army Green Berets into 56 different countries each day.
He also commanded the US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (SWCS) responsible for the entry level training of the US Army Special Forces, Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs, as well as, selected advanced training for the greater US Special Operations community. There are 8,000 students present for training in a given day at SWCS with 12,000 graduates a year. Students are in training 364 days a year.
His combat tours included National Civil Defense Advisor, Republic of El Salvador in 1988. This program, sponsored by the US Central Intelligence Agency, trained and equipped 58,000 foreign national participants in order to protect their families and villages from the communist sponsored insurgents. General Reeder also commanded Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha 786 in support of Operation JUST CAUSE in 1989; assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group under Task Force Black, Republic of Panama during the initial incursion to liberate Panama. He commanded Special Operations Task Force 32 (2nd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group) in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM Afghanistan in 2002 and again in 2003. General Reeder commanded the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan (7th Special Forces Group) in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM Afghanistan in 2006 and again in 2007. In this capacity, General Reeder served as the senior US Army Green Beret in Afghanistan. As a Brigadier General he also established and commanded the first Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM Afghanistan from 2009 to 2010. He was responsible for all US Army Special Forces and selected NATO Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan. In this capacity General Reeder, once again, served as the senior US Army Green Beret in Afghanistan. From 2014 to 2015, as a Major General, he commanded 12,500 men and women of the Special Operations Joint Task Force / NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM and Operation RESOLUTE SUPPORT. He was responsible for all special operations missions conducted by the US, NATO and Afghan Special Operations Forces and served as the senior US Special Operator in Afghanistan.
General Reeder is currently the President and CEO of Integrity 786 LLC, a global consulting business focused on national security affairs, cyber/counter cyber warfare, US Defense and US Interagency contracting, industrial manufacturing, and leadership development for senior business and military personnel as well as graduate level business students.
General Reeder is also the President and CEO of Five Star Global Security LLC, an international risk management company with global clientele. Five Star Global Security is composed of former US Special Operators from the US Army Special Forces, US Army Rangers, US Army Delta Force, US Navy SEALs, USMC Special Operators and members of the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Drug Enforcement Administration.
Additionally, General Reeder is President and CEO of Five Star Global Management – Kabul which specializes in personal security details and force protection for international clients operating in Afghanistan. Five Star Global Management is composed of former Afghan Special Forces Commandos trained by the US Army Special Forces.
His personal military awards include various US military and foreign decorations and badges. He was awarded the Baryal Medal (1st Degree) from the President of Afghanistan and The Donovan Award from the US Clandestine Service of the Central Intelligence Agency.