David Myers
David C Myers Colonel USMC(Ret.) BIO
Mr. Myers is a Resident of North Carolina, a graduate of Western Carolina University with a B.S. Degree in Industrial Technology and currently serving on his 3rd term as the Mayor of Madison NC.
He is a retired USMC Colonel who served 30 plus years of honorable active duty service with the USMC and 2 years reserve service with the USAF(Res). During his active duty military service, he was assigned various tours of duty that include Marine Air Group 70 (MAG-70) Marine Air Combat Element (ACE) for 7th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (7th MEB), multiple assignments with Marine Air Group -11 (MAG-11) Hqtrs at both MCAS El Toro and MCAS Miramar, CA., squadron assignments with VMFAT-101, VMFP-3, VMFA(AW)-121 and VMFA(AW)-242 as well as ground assignments with 1st Bn 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division (1st MarDiv) Hqtrs, First Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) Hqtrs, Marine Corps Installations West (MCIWEST) Hqtrs and Expeditionary Warfare Training Group (EWTGPac) Naval Amphibious Base (NAB) Coronado Island, CA. His primary staff assignments include Operations Officer and Executive Office for MAG-11, Air Officer for 1st Bn 7th Marines, Air Officer for 1st MarDiv. Air officer and Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (AC/S G3) for I MEF during Operation Iraqi Freedom I & II (OIF I&II), Aviation Branch Head, AC/S G3, Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander for MCIWEST and Executive Commander of EWTGPac.
Command assignments include command of VMFA(AW)-121 in 2001. He deployed the squadron to Beni Suef, Egypt after 9/11 and then to Manas Air Base, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) where the squadron flew 970 combat missions in support of Joint Task Force-86 (JTF-86) and Joint/Multi-National Special Forces ground operations against Taliban terrorist forces. Additionally, in 2009, he assumed command of MCAS Miramar, CA.
Colonel Myers has accumulated over 3000 flight hours in various tactical and support aircraft (F-4s, RF-4B, F/A-18 B/D, UC-35 and C-12), 110 aerial combat missions and achieved every aerial instructor qualification. He participated in five combat operations (Operation Urgent Fury Grenada, Desert Shield/Storm, OEF, OIF I and OIF II), and completed five WESTPAC tours of duty to the Far East. His personal decorations include the Legion of Merit Gold Star 2d Award, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal with Strike/Flight numeral 10, Navy Commendation Medal with Gold Star and Combat “V”, Navy Achievement Medal with Gold Star, Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Commendation, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with Combat “V” as well as numerous Campaign Medals and Units awards. He is a graduate of the Marine Corps non-resident school for Amphibious Warfare and Command and Staff College, In addition he is a member of the Marine Corps Aviation Association (MCAA), Marine Corps Mustang Association, VFW, American Legion and Marine Corps League.
Colonel Myers retired from active duty service May 2012, He resides in Madison NC. He has a son Chase who is Deputy Sheriff for Rockingham County, a daughter Madison and a grandson Wyatt who live in Oceanside CA.