NC DMVA Grant Program for County Veterans Offices
North Carolina County Veterans Offices (CVOs) are invited to apply for funding to provide services to veterans. The NC DMVA Grant Program for County Veterans Offices (GPCVO) awards are made possible by nonrecurring funding by the North Carolina General Assembly under the provisions of Session Law 2023-134.
General Information
- The legislatively-set maximum amount is $20,000 per grant.
- The eligibility requirements for CVOs are legislatively directed.
- Applications from eligible counties must be complete and responsive, as determined by DMVA, prior to award. Responsiveness includes clarity in the scope of work and in the descriptions of proposed expenditures.
- Grant applications are to be received by 11:59 p.m. on March 24, 2025, via the email address:
Funds requested must be for allowable costs which provide services to veterans. Grant recipients are required to report to NC DMVA: (1) the unduplicated number of veterans served by the grant recipient; (2) the number of times each individual veteran was served by the grant recipient; and (3) the services that were provided to veterans using the GPCVO grant funds awarded to the grant recipient..
The following general lists regarding expenditures are not exhaustive; also see, 2 CFR Part 200. Any questions regarding which expenditures are eligible should be discussed with the DMVA Grants Section prior to expending grant funds. Under the provisions of Session Law 2023-134, funds must be used “to provide services to veterans.”
Examples of Eligible Expenditures:
- Training and Education
- Conferences
- Compensation for Personnel Service
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Office Supplies
Examples of Ineligible Expenditures:
- Entertainment Costs
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Good or Services for Personal Use
- Housing and Personal Living Expenses
As a condition of GPCVO, DMVA is legislatively required to report, per county, to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on General Government, the House Appropriations Committee on General Government, the Senate Appropriations Committee on General Government and Information Technology, and the Fiscal Research Division, the following regarding each grant recipient:
- The unduplicated number of veterans served by the grant recipient, and
- The number of times each individual veteran was served by the grant recipient, and
- The services that were provided to veterans using the GPCVO grant funds awarded to the grant recipient.
Eligibility and Legislative Directives
- The CVO must be located in a county in which there are eight or less certified veteran service officers (VSOs). The VSO may be an employee of or volunteer with the federal government, State of North Carolina, county, or an entity in the county, including a nonprofit organization. DMVA shall verify the presence of eight or less certified VSOs in the county through the United States Department of Veterans Affairs prior to awarding a grant.
- A grant may be up to twenty thousand dollars ($20,000).
Determination of Grant Amount
If the funds are insufficient to fund the maximum amount allowable for each grant, the grant to each approved CVO is a pro rata share of the funds per fiscal year appropriated, up to the amount requested by the CVO. If the funds exceed the total amount of approved applications per grant cycle, each approved CVO will receive the maximum amount for a grant ($20,000), unless the CVO requests a lesser amount. Note: An approved CVO is verified eligible and under a grant contract..
How to Apply
Email the completed one-page application to: by March 24, 2025.
Post Award
The applicant must enter into a grant contract with DMVA for DMVA to begin distributing grant funds. The grant contract package requires grant recipients to include a project budget and scope of work regarding how grant funds will be utilized.
Any changes to the scope of the project or project budget after distribution of the grant award will require the written approval of the DMVA Grant Manager. In seeking DMVA approval, the grantee must submit, at a minimum, a justification for any proposed changes, a revised scope of work narrative, and a revised budget. Unapproved changes to the project scope or budget may be unallowable and may result in a recovery of funding.
Grant Close-Out
Upon project completion (i.e. expending all of the grant funds) or no later than 11:59 p.m. on August 1, 2025, whichever is sooner, grant recipients shall provide to DMVA via with the following information:
- The unduplicated number of veterans served by the CVO.
- The number of times each individual veteran was served by the CVO.
- The services that were provided to veterans using the grant funds awarded to the CVO.
Program Application
In order to apply for the grant, click on the the below link to download the Grant Program Application. Please ensure that all eligibility requirements have been read and understood.
If you have any question pertaining to the application process, please reach out to the
Grants Accounting Manager
Invitation to Apply (General Information)
County Veterans Offices Grant Program Application